As said before this is a trading contest between 3 teams intended to be more beneficial for wanna’s Dex traders.
Traders are free to choose to be a member of any team they want. The system will calculate the trading volume of the teams (which is the weekly trading volume of all team members) and then rank 3 teams to give rewards with a value of 60%, 30% and 10 respectively. The reward for each trader will be the percentage that he contributes to the team. Results will be announced immediately after TEAM BATTLE of that week finished. Traders can enter to claim the reward right after.
- Traders can change teams at any time but the trading volume will be deleted on the old team and also not transferred to the new team.
- Accepted all routes which are related to wNEAR. Example: WANNA => wNEAR, wNEAR => WANNA, USDC => wNEAR => WANNA, WANNA => wNEAR => USDC,…
- Important: In order to claim the reward from TEAM BATTLE, traders’ wallet must have an amount of $WANNA (equal or more than the reward value).
Obtained from 3.5% in tokenomics, does not affect other features. weekly prize pool of 67,738 WANNA.
TEAM BATTLE starts at 7:00 UTC Saturday until 7:00 UTC next Saturday. Result will be published immediately and traders can claim their reward. The new TEAM BATTLE also takes place immediately at that moment
Generate additional income for the trader from a simple activity to attract users to use Dex’s WannaSwap
- Step 1. Visit here
- Step 2. Join team
- Step 3. Swap